Publisher: Editore Jonathan Cape

General Data

  • Place: Londres, Inglaterra
  • Description: Jonathan Cape é uma editora de Londres fundada em 1921 por Herbert Jonathan Cape, que foi chefe da empresa até sua morte. Cape e seu parceiro de negócios Wren Howard abriram a editora em 1921.

Wikipedia data

  • URL:
  • Wikipedia data: Jonathan Cape is a London publishing firm founded in 1921 by Herbert Jonathan Cape (1879–1960), who was head of the firm until his death. Cape and his business partner Wren Howard (1893–1968) set up the publishing house in 1921. They established a reputation for high-quality design and production and a fine list of English-language authors, fostered by the firm's editor and reader Edward Garnett. Cape's list of writers ranged from poets including Robert Frost and C. Day Lewis, to children's authors such as Hugh Lofting and Arthur Ransome, to James Bond novels by Ian Fleming, to heavyweight fiction by James Joyce and T. E. Lawrence. After Cape's death, the firm later merged successively with three other London publishing houses. In 1987 it was taken over by Random House. Its name continues as one of Random House's British imprints.

Works of the publisher

Title Type Genre Year
Não disponível para visualização Pane e Vino Obra Literária Romance ou novela 1937